Tuesday, 19 February 2008


WAMA Foundation is a Non-profit Organisation founded by First Lady Mama Salma Kikwete with a focus on development by improving women's social and economic status by re-defining gender roles and creating more opportunities for the development of women and children, especially the girl. Mama Salma Kikwete's dream is to see the nation develop, where communities and families thrive in better conditions and women and children's needs receive priority.

To enable the Social and economic development of women and children of Tanzania. To reduce HIV/AIDS infection among youth and children in Tanzania.

To improve the living standards of women and Children of Tanzania by creating opportunities for education, skills and financial independence.

To see an increased number of economically empowered women, progressive communities and healthy, well educated children free from ignorance and disease.

(source: www.wamafoundation.or.tz)

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