Saturday, 1 September 2007

Where do you Stand?

If you are being given;
your views are assumed/manipulated!
This means that you are assumed!!

If you are being told;
you have got the information but not given a chance to express your views!
This means that you are informed!!

If you are being asked;
you have a chance to express your views but not told about any ongoing process or given any feedback!
This means that you are consulted!!

If you are being heard;
you have a chance express your views and influence decisions with an understood process and receive feedback!
This means that you are involved!!

If you are being active;
you take some responsibility for the processes, any decisions made and agreed actions with the support of power holders!
This means that you are engaged!!

If you are being in control;
power holders hand over complete control to you who have the power to make decisions, and manage budgets, processes or projects!
This means you are empowered!!

Where do you stand!!?

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