Saturday, 29 September 2007

President J Kikwete speech at UN


27th SEPTEMBER 2007

Your Excellency Srgjan Kerim, President of the United Nations General Assembly;
Your Excellency Ban Ki-moon, Secretary-General of the United Nations;
Excellencies Heads of State and Government;
Distinguished Representatives;
Ladies and Gentlemen.

Let me begin by congratulating you, Dr. Kerim, for your well deserved election as President of the 62nd Session of the General Assembly. You can
count on Tanzania’s full support and cooperation as you discharge your mandate. I also commend your predecessor, Madam Shaikha Haya Rashed Al Khalifa, for having skillfully presided over the 61st session.
We congratulate Mr. Ban Ki-moon for his unanimous election as the eighth Secretary General of the United Nations, which reflects his distinguished diplomatic track record, integrity and commitment to international diplomacy.
I also thank him for the honour and trust he has bestowed upon my country, by appointing an accomplished Tanzanian academic and diplomat to the post of UN Deputy Secretary General. I take this opportunity to once again congratulate Dr. Asha-Rose Migiro, for her appointment to this high office. I trust that such a combination of diligence and devoted leadership will steer this important institution towards greater heights of success.

Climate Change
Mr. President;
I highly commend the Secretary General for his decision to convene the High Level Event on Climate Change four days ago. The meeting gave us an opportunity to discuss the state of health of our common planet. It also gave us the opportunity to renew our commitment to take the necessary steps to correct the mistakes we have done.
The recent report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has confirmed that warming of the earth’s climate system is indisputable and is attributable to, by and large, human activities.
Africa and many Small Island States contribute the least to the greenhouse gases that cause this phenomenon; yet, significant impact of climate change is evident on our countries. Most countries are experiencing severe floods, frequent and prolonged droughts, reduced water supply, decline in crop yields, rising sea levels, and an increase in water borne diseases. These impacts of climate change can affect African countries’ ability to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Climate change threatens to undo the results of decades of development efforts.
In Tanzania, for certain, the impact of global warming is real and visible. There has been a steady increase in temperature for the past 30 years, adversely affecting almost all sectors of the economy.
Severe droughts have been recurrent in the past few years. Water levels in Lake Victoria and Lake Tanganyika have dropped significantly. There has been a dramatic recession of 7 km of Lake Rukwa in the Western part of the country in the past 50 years. About 80 per cent of the glacier on Mount Kilimanjaro, the highest in Africa, has been lost since 1912.
We have prepared a National Adaptation Program of Action. There is a national programme of planting over 200 million tree seedlings per annum besides having reserved 24 percent of our territory for national parks and 38 percent for forest reserves.
We trust that countries like Tanzania, which have reserved such large tracts of land for protection of wildlife and forests, including an ambitious tree planting programme for global good, would be adequately compensated for their significant contribution to carbon sequestration.
We have prepared a National Adaptation Program of Action (NAPA) and undertaken an indepth analysis of the impact of climate change on agriculture, health, water as well as a technological needs assessment for adaptation and poverty reduction.
Tanzania hopes that the Climate Change Adaptation Fund would be successfully negotiated and concluded together with other proposed innovative sources of financing discussed during the High Level Event earlier this week.

Mr. President;
Since the causes and consequences of climate change are global, international cooperation and partnership in addressing them is imperative. Tanzania supports the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), which assists developing countries to achieve sustainable development and requires developed countries to fulfill their commitments under the Kyoto Protocol.
So far Africa has the least number of CDM projects. Of the over 800 projects around the world, Africa has about 20 projects only. This inequitable distribution is of concern to us and must be resolved in order for it to contribute meaningfully to the sustainable development of Africa.
I wish to emphasize that international collective action is critical in developing an effective response to global warming. Indeed a review process to consider further commitment of the Parties under the Kyoto Protocol beyond 2012 is urgent and necessary. Tanzania promises to participate actively at the Bali Summit.

UN Reforms/One UN
Mr. President;
Tanzania welcomes the recent milestones in the UN reform process namely the establishment of the Peace Building Commission, the Human Rights Council and the Central Emergency Relief Fund. We attach great importance to these new initiatives and we want to contribute to their success.
In its report of November 2006 entitled, “Delivering as One”, the UN Panel on System-wide Coherence made valuable recommendations, including the establishment of a “One UN” system at the country level. For, we in Tanzania, believe that the development coordination agenda is best served when we have at the country level one programme, one budgetary framework, one leader, and one office.
Tanzania is pleased to be among the eight “One UN” pilot countries. The One UN Programme is for us a logical development from the United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF), a framework that is fully aligned with our national priorities. The efficiencies in aid delivery expected through “One UN” will certainly contribute to enhancing our capacity to attain the MDGs.
I call upon member states to give our organization, the United Nations, the resources it needs to implement this pilot project. The project should not fail for lack of resources. I also urge the Bretton Woods Institutions to take a keener interest in this initiative and join in the efforts to realize its objectives.
The need to make the UN Security Council more representative is an age old demand of all of us. Time has come to walk the talk. We need to move from rhetoric to action. Now is the time. Tanzania assures the entire UN membership our whole-hearted support and cooperation in this process.

Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)
Mr. President;
We are now halfway through the time-line of 2015 set for achieving the Millennium Development Goals. Yet we are not half-way in realizing the targets as spelt out at the Millennium Summit of 2000. We are in this unfortunate state of affairs because the additional resources expected and promised by the developed countries have not come forth. I urge this august General Assembly to renew its appeal to the developed nations to deliver on their promise.
In this regard, we welcome the initiative mentored by the Norwegian Prime Minister Mr. Jens Stoltenberg to launch a global campaign to mobilize resources for achieving the MDG 4 on reducing infant mortality rates and MDG 5 on reducing maternal mortality rates. Tanzania supports the effort and we are happy to be associated with it. I appeal to all of us to support the initiative. It is our hope that, developed nations will support the campaign by providing the required resources.
On the same vein, we commend Secretary General Ban Ki-moon for establishing the African MDG Steering Group. Africa is excited about it. We trust that it will give new impetus in assisting Africa attain all MDGs.
We also welcome the historic decision taken by the President of the General Assembly to convene a special summit of leaders to discuss the MDGs during this session. We support this wise decision of our President for we believe it will provide the needed momentum for the timely achievement of the MDGs in Africa.
Regional Issues: Africa
Mr. President;
Tanzania has played, and will continue to play, its historic role in the search for peace, security, stability and development in Great Lakes region. I thank the United Nations and the Group of Friends of the Great Lakes for their support to the processes of the International Conference on the Great Lakes. As we all know, at the Nairobi Conference held in December, 2006, an historic Pact on Peace, Security, Stability and Development in the Great Lakes Region was signed. A new era of hope, collective security and cooperation for development was ushered in. For sure, if the letter and spirit of the Pact are implemented, the Great Lakes Region will be a completely new place from the one we are used to know.
We are happy that member states have committed to ratify the Pact by the end of this year. This will enable the Pact to come into force. We look forward to continued support from the UN, friends of the Great Lakes and the international community at large as we endeavour to get durable peace, stability and sustainable development.
Mr. President;
Burundi and DRC
We are happy with the tremendous progress made in Burundi. Peace has been restored and life has come back to normal. Tanzania will continue to work with the region and South Africa to ensure the full operationalization of the peace agreement signed between the Burundi government and the FNL-Palipehutu.
We are concerned with the fluidity of the situation in North Kivu. We hope wisdom will prevail on the parties concerned to give peace a chance. The people of the DRC deserve it. We in Tanzania promise to play whatever part may be required of us.
With restored peace in Burundi and many parts of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), it is incumbent upon us in the international community to encourage and assist refugees to go back to their respective countries. This is what the Tripartite Commissions involving Tanzania, UNHCR and the respective countries of Burundi and DRC have been doing. Our joint Commissions have been encouraging repatriation of refugees on voluntary basis and we have been assisting those who came forward. The results are encouraging but things could be better. A word of encouragement from this organization could make a difference.
Mr. President;
Tanzania believes that the return of refugees to their country of origin is a sovereign right which should not be denied. It is also the ultimate testimony and guarantor of the peace so attained. It is not fair, it is not right for people to continue to live in refugee camps after peace has been restored in their countries of origin.
Situation in Darfur
Mr. President;
The current progress with regard to Darfur gives us hope. The adoption of Security Council Resolution 1769 to deploy a hybrid force of peacekeepers from the African Union and the United Nations, and the renewed political dialogue among the parties to the conflict, holds promise for the stalled peace process and the humanitarian crisis that unfortunately persists there.
Tanzania applauds the unique partnership which has evolved between the African Union and the United Nations. We stand ready to contribute troops to the hybrid force.
Mr. President;
We are encouraged by recent developments with regard to internal political dialogue in Somalia. We are equally happy with the attention given to Somalia by the Security Council and the United Nations Secretary General. We welcome the recent Security Council resolution 1772 (2007) which supports the political process in Somalia and the role of AMISON. As member of the Somali Contact Group, Tanzania promises to continue to be pro-active and offers to contribute in the training of the Somali military.
Western Sahara
Mr. President;
The United Nations should remain seized with the issue of Western Sahara. Tanzania reaffirms its support for the inalienable right of the people of Saharawi to decide and choose the way forward. We urge the United Nations to intensify its efforts to find an honourable and just solution to this longstanding decolonization issue.
The Middle East
The crisis inside the Palestinian territories is a matter of great concern to us. Tanzania remains supportive of efforts aimed at creating two states, Israel and Palestine, living side by side, at peace with each other. This presents, in our view, the best hope for sustainable peace in the region. We applaud and welcome the renewed international interest and effort in line with the relevant UN resolutions.
Lebanese Situation
The Lebanese government and peoples need and deserve the continued support of the UN and all of us in the international community as they reconstruct and stabilize their country. In this regard, Tanzania is glad to be a party to the efforts being expended by the United Nations, through our modest contribution to the Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL). We are ready to increase our contribution whenever required to do so.
Mr. President;
In conclusion, Mr. President, Tanzania reaffirms its belief in and commitment to multilateralism and the United Nations. You can count on Tanzania’s continued support to this organization and the ideals it stands for.
I thank you.

Source: Michuzi's Blog, 28.9.07

Thursday, 27 September 2007

Gordon Brown Speech

PM Gordon Brown Speech at Labour Party's Conference in Bournemouth, 24/9/2007.
'I am a conviction politician' -Gordon Brown.
This introduction (above) is done by Mosonga.

Honoured and humbled by the trust you have given me, I speak to you for the first time at our Conference as Prime Minister and Leader of this Party.

No one could have foreseen all the events that Britain has been through since June.

But tested again and again the resilience of the British people has been powerful proof of the character of our country.

Early on a June morning, two cars were found parked and packed with explosives in Haymarket, London.

They were put there to bring terror and death to men and women who would do nothing wrong but be out with their friends, walk on our streets and visit our capital.

But from the bomb disposal experts who courageously risked their lives, to the Londoners who defiantly went on with their lives, that day the world witnessed the resolve and strength of the British people.

And when the terrorists tried to attack Scotland’s biggest airport, they were answered by the courage of the police and firefighters and a baggage handler named John Smeaton. He came to the aid of a policeman under assault from one of the terrorists.

Later John told me it was instinctive, he was doing what was right.

That man, that hero John Smeaton is here with us today and on behalf of our country – John, we thank you.

Every citizen who answered the call of the country – policemen and women, our security and emergency services, our health services – all left their mark on this island’s story by keeping us safe. They are the pride of Britain.

Just as our armed services with bravery and heroism every single day also make us proud. We mourn those who have been lost and we honour all those who in distant places of danger give so much to our country.

It was in these early weeks, in the wake of the worst flooding in almost 150 years, in county after county, we saw British people pull on their boots and pull out their boats to rescue neighbours and strangers.

And together they went to work to clean up the streets, sweep out the shops and reopen the schools. Long after the waters have receded the memory of their quiet strength remains.

They too showed the character of Britain: communities where buildings can be damaged and even destroyed but our spirit is indestructible. They too make us proud of the extraordinary resilience of ordinary British people.

And then on an early August morning in Surrey, a farmer went out to tend to his livestock and what he saw terrified him, made him remember back to 2001 when all across our countryside clouds of smoke scarred the sky and for many in farms and villages, family dreams were turned to ash.

During the outbreak this summer, our vets, scientists, and public officials in DEFRA cancelled their holidays. To fight the contagion farmers worked day and night. And they have done it all over again this month and continue to do so. Their actions live out our shared understanding that our countryside is more than the space that surrounds, it is the oxygen for our towns and cities.

And in order to be the country we should be, Britain must protect and cherish not just our cities, but our countryside too.

And as we saw again this summer there is no Scotland-only, no Wales-only, no England-only answer to the spread of disease or to terrorist attacks that can strike at any time, anywhere in any part of our country. And sharing this same small island, we will meet our environmental, economic and security challenges not by splitting apart but when we as Great Britain stand united together.

So my sense of talking to people in all parts of these islands is that instead of leaving us pessimistic, these three months make us more optimistic about what we the British people at our best can do.

Our response was calm and measured. We simply got on with the job.

Britain has been tested and not found wanting.

This is who we are.

And there is no weakness in Britain today that cannot be overcome by the strengths of the British people.

So don’t let anyone tell us Britain is not equal to every challenge.

We all know that in our society we do have real problems to solve, real needs to meet, but don’t let anyone tell us – the British people – that this country of ours, which has over centuries given so much to the world, has ever been broken by anyone or anything.

I am proud to be British.

I believe in British values.

My father and my mother taught me about family and the great virtues of hard work, doing your duty and always trying to do the right thing.

And I have never forgotten my father telling me to “treat everyone equally with respect”.

His optimism led him to find goodness in everyone.

My father was a minister of the church, and his favourite story was the parable of the talents because he believed – and I do too – that each and everyone of us has a talent and each and everyone of us should be able to use that talent.

And the values I was brought up with are not just what I learned; they are part of the fabric of the life I have led.

Not just where I come from but the experiences that have shaped me.

I attended the local state primary school in Kirkcaldy a few streets away from where I lived - and then I took the school bus to the local secondary school up the hill.

And I have school friends I have kept in touch with all my life who have shared the good times and comforted me in the bad times.

Today I have the greatest privilege of all - to have been chosen by them to represent in Parliament the place where we all grew up together.

The office where I hold my constituency surgeries is just across the road – a few yards from the house where I lived as a child.

I benefited from great and dedicated teachers.

And I was fortunate enough to get to university.

But as a teenager I saw close friends of mine who might have gone to college or an apprenticeship or to university who never did.

I know some could not to afford to stay on at school.

For others, their potential had never been nurtured.

When they heard about further education, they thought, or their parents thought, it was not for people like them.

And the reason I am here – the real reason I am here – is that I want their children and their grandchildren whom I also represent to have all the chances that were not available to my school friends when we were growing up.

That’s the reason I am here: I want the best of chances for all families.

So what first made me want to do something in public service?

I don’t recall all the sermons my father preached Sunday after Sunday.

But I will never forget these words he left me with: “we must be givers as well as getters”.

Put something back.

And by doing so make a difference.

And this is my moral compass.

This is who I am.

I am a conviction politician.

I stand for a Britain where everyone should rise as far as their talents can take them and then the talents of each of us should contribute to the well being of all.

I stand for a Britain where all families who work hard can build a better life for themselves and their children.

I stand for a Britain where every young person who has it in them to study at college or university should not be prevented by money from doing so.

I stand for a Britain where public services exist for the patient, the pupil, the people who are to be served.

I stand for a Britain where it is a mark of citizenship that you should learn our language and traditions.

I stand for a Britain where we expect responsibility at every level of society.

I stand for a Britain that defends its citizens and both punishes crime and prevents it by dealing with the root causes.

I stand for a Britain where because this earth is on loan to us from future generations, we must all be stewards of the environment.

So I stand for a Britain where we all have obligations to each other and by fulfilling them, everyone has the chance to make the most of themselves.

And these are the principles which I believe can guide us as we, the British people, meet all the new challenges ahead: global economic competition, the terrorist and security threat, climate change, the yearning for stronger communities, the pressures to balance work and family life, and most of all - something you can hear and sense in every part of the country - the rising aspirations of the British people.

Our purpose has always been to be the party of progressive change.

Once our struggle was to secure minimum standards, then to extend opportunity.

But we need to be honest: today the rising aspirations of the British people summon us to set a new direction.

As the world changes so we must change too.

And I believe that when you get something right, you build on it. But part of experience and judgement is to recognise that when you fall short, you listen, you learn and then you are confident enough to change.

In Britain today too many still cannot rise as far as their talents can take them.

Yet this is the century where our country cannot afford to waste the talents of anyone.

Up against the competition of two billion people in China and India, we need to unlock all the talent we have.

In the last century the question was can we afford to do this?

In the face of economic challenge, I say: in this century we cannot afford not to.

And the country that brings out the best in all its people will be the great success story of the global age.

Now think of the communities from where we have travelled here to Bournemouth. How many young people - young boys in particular - fail to develop the potential they have?

How many women still come up against a glass ceiling that blocks their advance?

How many men and women who hope to move up the ladder in mid career are deprived of the chance to upgrade their skills and jobs?

How much talent that could flourish is lost through a poverty of aspiration: wasted not because young talents fail to reach the stars but because they grow up with no stars to reach for?

And how many of our youngest children are still deprived of the early learning they need.

Why should we accept so many children destined to fail even before their life’s journey has begun?

So this is the next chapter in our progress. The next stage of our country’s long journey to build the strong and fair society.

I want a Britain where there is no longer any ceiling on where your talents and hard work can take you.

Where what counts is not what where you come from and who you know, but what you aspire to and have it in yourself to become.

Past generations unlocked just some of the talents of some of the people.

In the new Britain of this generation, we must unlock all the talents of all of the people.

Not the old equality of outcome that discounts hard work and effort.

Not the old version of equality of opportunity – the rise of an exclusive meritocracy where only some can succeed and others are forever condemned to fail.

But a genuinely meritocratic Britain, a Britain of all the talents.

Where all are encouraged to aim high.

And all by their effort can rise.

A Britain of aspiration and also a Britain of mutual obligation where all play our part and recognise the duties we owe to each other.

New Labour: now the party of aspiration and community. Not just occupying but shaping and expanding the centre ground. A strong Britain; a fairer Britain.

Putting people and their potential first.

You know, there was another day in the past few months, one that did not make the news.

It was a day I went to Hackney to Lauriston Primary School where I met a six year old boy called Max.

We walked through the library and then the classrooms. He sat with his teacher, Eddie O’Brien, and me.

He had a book in his hand and his hair was a little uncombed - which as far as I am concerned may be a good sign.

Max had been falling behind at school, struggling to read. But because of the ‘Every Child a Reader’ programme, he was now receiving one to one coaching, and he wanted to read us a story.

He did brilliantly as he read from a gripping narrative about “The Gingerbread Man” and he smiled as he finished.

In that classroom our mission for change was as clear and strong as the words being read by Max.

What he was really telling us is that every child has potential if given the chance.

Today in education, private schools offer one to one tuition. But why shouldn’t all pupils and not just some benefit from extra personal help?

And because I want every child to be a reader, every child to be able to count, we have decided that one-to-one tuition will be there in our schools not just for Max, but for 300,000 children in English and 300,000 in maths.

And because we want to unlock all the potential, not just the three R’s, for every pupil as we look ahead with pride to the Olympics we aim for the first time for five hours a week sport and time for arts and music too.

So whenever we see talent under-developed; aspirations unfulfilled; potential wasted; obstacles to be removed; this is where we – new Labour - will be.

Hear me when I say: No matter where you come from. No matter your background. No matter what school you go to. My message, our message, is and must be: if you try hard, we will help you make the most of your talents.

So for every secondary pupil a personal tutor throughout their school years - and starting with 600,000 pupils, small group tuition too.

Learning personal to each pupil.

Education available to all – not one size fits all but responding to individual needs.

This is the future for our public services. Accessible to all, personal to you. Not just a basic standard but the best quality tailored to your needs. Education is my passion.

And as we expand specialist, trust and academy schools it’s also time to make the biggest change in education in decades, a ten year children’s plan to make our schools, colleges and universities world class.

Instead of education from 5 to 16, we will be offering free universal education to every child – from nursery school at 3 to advanced studies or training right up to 18.

In just one decade we are doing what no government has ever done: moving the right to education from 11 years free education to 15 years.

But we will only make the most of this if every teenager who leaves at 18 can graduate with a good qualification.

So for every apprentice, a certificate of completion. For every college or school student, A-levels and diplomas and for all a clear pathway into skilled work. And we offer teenagers national youth community service - I want every young person in Britain to be able to say: this is my country. I contribute to it. I help make it better.

It’s wrong that anybody should be put off going to college or university by the fear it will cost too much.

So when the big new changes we are now making are fully in place, 300,000 students will receive full grants. 600,000 – that’s two thirds of students - will have grants. That’s the change: more students with grants than at any time in the history of university education.

And to those who say more going to university must mean worse standards, let us stand up for opportunity. In many other countries the majority of young people now go to university. In Britain just 42 per cent; just 10 per cent from low income backgrounds. So for 16 year olds from low income families who stay on at school, we will make a new five year offer - we will finance you through college or university, right through to 21.

Merit rewarded in a Britain not divided by class but united by aspiration. Showing a class-free society is not a slogan but in Britain can become a reality.

Every fifty seconds in Britain a child is born.

Who knows what might happen to that child? Who knows if they could someday start a thriving business, become a proud nurse, a good football player, or a great scientist? Who knows if they will exceed all of their parents’ hopes to see them get on, have a good job and a loving family?

So every child deserves the best possible start in life.

We have lifted 600,000 children out of poverty. We are doubling child benefits. We have trebled maternity allowances. And 6 million families now benefit from the Child Tax Credit.

None of this happened before a Labour Government.

But we are not satisfied.

And the Pre Budget Report will set out our next steps because our goal for this generation is to abolish child poverty and let me reaffirm that goal today.

And I say to the children of two parent families, one parent families, foster parent families; to the widow bringing up children: I stand for a Britain that supports as first class citizens not just some children and some families but supports all children and all families.

We all remember that biblical saying: “suffer the little children to come unto me.” No Bible I have ever read says: “bring just some of the children.”

Because no child should ever be written off, for mothers of infants, we will expand the help of nurse-family partnerships.

And for families and teenagers in trouble, new one-to-one support led by the voluntary sector that, up and down the country, we know can make all the difference.

And because its unfair to the children that fathers walk away from their responsibilities, we will insist on new powers to name absent fathers on birth certificates and to pay their share: maintenance deducted from benefits as we return them to work.

And let me also say that I am now understanding the daily pressures all families and all parents are under to do everything on time: make breakfast, get the kids to school with their homework done, make sure no one forgets their P.E. kit or a school play rehearsal. And of course fit in your own life and work and make sure it all fits in 24 hours.

I have heard the call for change and we must respond to the rising aspirations of parents.

Because we, a Labour government, introduced six months paid maternity leave, the take up has risen from 25 per cent to 90 per cent. And so it is right this year to raise it to nine months for all mothers on the road to 12 months paid maternity leave.

All this is part of the revolution in services for parents and the under fives: now 7,000 extended schools, moving from zero to 3,500 sure start children’s centres, the doubling of nursery education – two-thirds of a million more child care places.

This is the next stage in the transformation of public services. Our aim high quality care not just available to some but to all and tailored to parents needs when they need it and at a price they can afford.

A growing number of parents who care for their children now also care for elderly relatives. I want our new carers commission to hear the call for change from millions of carers – and this government will now do more for respite care, for training of carers, for better pension rights and to give new priority to caring for disabled children.

And I pay tribute to our Deputy Leader Harriet Harman who by her campaigning work is pioneering this cause of equality. No discrimination on the basis of race, gender, sexuality, age, or faith. And no discrimination against the disabled.

We know that all parents are under more than the pressure of time.

Today amongst the biggest influences on children are the Internet, TV, commercial advertising. And like many parents I feel I’m struggling to set the boundaries so that children can be safe – and that’s why we have asked Dr Tanya Byron to look at how families can make the most of the opportunities new technology gives while doing our duty to protect children from harmful material.

And to honour those who raised us, I can affirm our commitment to restore the link between the Basic State Pension and earnings.

It’s time also to make public services personal to the needs of the elderly: more control over personal social care budgets; more choice managing chronic care; a wider range of services from home helps to district nurses. Better personal care so that older people can choose to stay in their own homes.

I want to ensure for all those who have served the community all their lives – respect, dignity and security in old age.

And everything we build -- we build on a strong foundation of economic stability.

Our commitment to stability has been tested again and again over ten years: the Asian crisis; the Russian crisis; the American recession; the trebling of oil prices. And in the last month a wave of financial turbulence that started in America and then Germany and has impacted on all countries including the United Kingdom and tested the stability of our financial system.

Yesterday Alistair Darling set out how we will continue to respond with the same calm vigilance that he has demonstrated over recent weeks.

And it is because of the strength of the British economy that we are able to steer a path of low inflation, low interest rates and stable growth.

Ten years ago before a Labour government we were 7th in the G7 for income per head. Now we are second only to the USA - above Germany, above France, above Italy, above Japan, above Canada - with the longest uninterrupted period of economic growth in the history of our country.

And in Britain where once there were three million unemployed, there are today more men and women in jobs than ever in our history - for the first time over 29 million people in work.

And we will continue to intensify the reform of the new deal, remove every barrier, show we can have flexibility and fairness together to advance to a Britain of full employment in our generation.

And we will build on one of the greatest achievements of our Labour and trade union movement – the National Minimum Wage. Next week we will again raise the National Minimum Wage to £5.52 an hour and because we will do more for vulnerable workers, in all companies and in all places the minimum wage will be enforced without exception.

And next week for the first time on top of holiday entitlement 4 days paid public holidays guaranteed.

We should take pride that, under a Labour government, Britain - this small number of people on this small island - is the fifth largest economy in the world.

As we set out on the next stage of our journey this is our vision: Britain leading the global economy – by our skills and creativity, by our enterprise and flexibility, by our investment in transport and infrastructure – a world leader in science; a world leader in financial and business services; a world leader in energy and the environment from nuclear to renewables; a world leader in the creative industries; and yes – modern manufacturing too – drawing on the talents of all to create British jobs for British workers.

There is another aspiration I have heard across the country.

I’ve met too many young couples who’ve told me - we work hard, we save, we play by the rules, we want to get on and yet we can’t afford to buy or even rent our first home.

So we plan to help first time buyers and we will increase house-building to 240,000 new homes a year - in places and ways that respect our green spaces and the environment. My aim by 2010 two million more homeowners than in 1997.

And for the first time in nearly half a century we will show the imagination to build new towns - eco-towns with low and zero carbon homes. And today because of the response we have received we are announcing that instead of just 5 new eco towns, we will now aim for ten eco towns ---- building thousands of new homes in every region of the country.

And for affordable housing and for social housing we will now invest £8 billion. This will mean a 50 per cent increase in funds for social housing. I call on all housing associations and councils of all political parties not only to support shared equity for first time buyers, but to help us build more social homes for rent, more homes for key workers and more homes to cut the unacceptable levels of overcrowding. Good homes to rent and buy for the British people.

A strong Britain is a Britain of strong communities where by accepting our mutual obligations to each other we can make our homes, our streets and our neighbourhoods safe.

Those who choose to disobey the laws of our land - their crimes, the pain they inflict, that danger and immorality - threaten the rights and security of every citizen.

No parent should ever have to endure the suffering of the family of Rhys Jones, the young boy callously murdered in Liverpool on Wednesday August 22nd.

And the reason the people of Britain have been so shocked is that amongst the vast majority of us there is an abhorrence of guns in our society.

That is why we took the right decision to ban handguns. And now we need to deal with the illegal supply of guns.

Two thirds of deaths from gun crime occur in just four cities. In the last few weeks Jacqui Smith and I have focussed on the specific areas in these cities where as I saw on Saturday at first hand the police will now: match intensive uniformed patrolling and extensive undercover work; with the use of stop and search powers and dispersal powers; reinforced by new hand-held weapon detectors; and all backed up at a national level by the work of the organised crime agency and our border force rigorously targeting and stopping the illegal entry of guns.

My answer to crime and disorder - our policy - is to both punish and prevent.

To punish: for anyone over 18 illegally carrying a gun, a five-year sentence.

To prevent: in our schools intensive education warning about guns and knives and teachers encouraged to use new powers to confiscate weapons. And in our communities ex gang members helping us pull young people out of gangs.

To punish the evil of drug pushers who poison our children: I want the tough new powers that have already closed over one thousand crack houses in some areas of the country to be used in all areas of the country.

And to encourage local police to use new powers to confiscate drug profits, more of the confiscated funds will go direct to the police and local communities.

To prevent addiction: we will extend drug education and expand drug treatment and we will send out a clear message that drugs are never going to be decriminalised.

There are now 139,000 police officers and 16,000 Community Support Officers – more officers than ever before.

And by April 7th next year, every community will have its own neighbourhood policing team. And I can announce that we will provide hand held computers - 1,000 now, by next year 10,000 right across the country – cutting paper work so that officers can log crimes on the spot, stay on the beat and not waste time returning to the station to fill out forms.

So yes we will strengthen the police. Yes we will strengthen our laws. But preventing crime for me also means all of us as a community setting boundaries between what is acceptable and unacceptable behaviour – with clear penalties for stepping over the line.

Boundaries that reflect the words I was taught when I was young – words upon which we all know strong communities are founded: discipline, respect, responsibility.

Bullying is unacceptable – and unacceptable too is disrupting a classroom.

So to punish: we will give teachers the support they need to exclude.

To prevent: parents held accountable – fined if they fail to supervise. And so that these young people are not left to hang around street corners, councils and authorities obligated to maintain their education and supervision.

Binge drinking and underage drinking that disrupt neighbourhoods are unacceptable.

To punish: let me tell the shops that repeatedly sell alcohol to those who are under age – we will take your licences away.

To prevent: councils should use new powers to ban alcohol in trouble spots and I call on the industry to do more to advertise the dangers of teenage drinking.

I’ve met young people and pensioners alike who say they want to feel safe when they go out but also that young people need somewhere to go and something to do.

So respect must be a two way street.

As we take action against anti-social behaviour, so too we must take action that could transform our communities, by providing the kind of facilities young people want and need.

So we will use unclaimed assets in dormant bank accounts to build new youth centres, and we will invest over £670 million pounds so that in every community there are places for young people to go. With youth budgets let us say to young people: for the first time you will have a say over how the money is spent.

I believe we have not done enough in the last ten years to emphasise that in return for the rights we all have, there are responsibilities we all owe.

New rights to better health care but you have to show up and not miss your appointment. New rights to educational maintenance allowances but you have to show you are working hard. New rights to higher maternity allowances but you have to meet with a health visitor. The right for company boards to make their own decisions, but obligations to the rest of society too. And an understanding that if you come to our country you not only learn our language and culture: you must play by the rules.

In July I announced a new unified border force. And already the first elements are in place - a stronger uniformed presence at ports, customs officers targeting illegal immigration, stronger security checks at passport control, by next year ID cards for foreign nationals and we will start to count people in and out.

And we will move forward with our new Australian-style points-based approach to immigration. So Britain will continue to benefit from skilled workers from abroad and they will understand their responsibilities to earn the right to settle in Britain.

But let me be clear any newcomer to Britain who is caught selling drugs or using guns will be thrown out. No-one who sells drugs to our children or uses guns has the right to stay in our country.

And to achieve a Britain of mutual obligation, I am convinced that we need a new kind of politics.

I continue to reach out to all those who work hard and play by the rules, who believe in strong families and a patriotic Britain who may have supported other parties but who like me want to defend and advance British values and our way of life.

All of the challenges we have to face can only be met by listening to and involving the British people themselves. And I have no doubt that the best answer to disengagement from our democracy is to renew our democracy.

And that means more change:

Change to make the executive more accountable. That’s why parliament will make the final decisions about peace and war;

Change to strengthen our liberties to uphold the freedom of speech, freedom of information and the freedom to protest;

Change to strengthen local democracy with new powers for economic development and bus services and I pay tribute to the work of our local Labour councillors across the country.

Change within our own party, now for the first time to decide our policy one member one vote;

And yes: change to the House of Lords - and we will in our manifesto commit to introduce the principle of elections for the second chamber.

Perhaps the biggest challenge for the new politics is to show how we as a community can join together to safeguard the environment, to turn the silent, rising tide of global warming.

And I am proud that Britain will now become the first country in the world to write into law binding limits on carbon emissions. But I am not satisfied: so I am asking the new independent climate change committee to report on whether the 60 per cent reduction in emissions by 2050, which is already bigger than most other countries, should be even stronger still.

And by investing in energy efficiency, renewables, carbon capture, clean fuels and new environmental technologies, I want Britain to lead in carbon-free vehicles, carbon-free homes and carbon-free industry. And I want the new green technologies of the future to be the source of British jobs in British businesses.

And I commit to work tirelessly for a new post-Kyoto UN climate change agreement with - yes - to help the poorest, binding targets for all the richest countries.

And let me say: we in Britain cannot be good stewards of the environment unless we are good internationalists and that means being good Europeans too.

At all times we will stand up for the British national interest.

And I accept my responsibility to write in detail into the amended European Treaty the red lines we have negotiated for Britain.

And whether it’s environmental, economic or security cooperation, we will hold fast to the partnerships with our closest ally America, our membership of the European Union, the Commonwealth and our commitment to the United Nations.

You know, there is a golden thread of common humanity that across nations and faiths binds us together and it can light the darkest corners of the world. And the message should go out to anyone facing persecution anywhere from Burma to Zimbabwe: human rights are universal and no injustice can last forever.

People will look back on events in Darfur as they did in Rwanda and say why did you the most powerful countries in the world fail to act, to come to the aid of those with the least power?

Who can fail to be moved by the mother in Darfur who saved her two youngest children from militias and hid them away? She rushed back to her village to find her husband and older son murdered - and then was repeatedly raped by the Janjawid.

All for being a member of the wrong tribe, all for acting upon that shared human impulse to protect her own children.

Her story touches our deepest conscience and summons us to act. In my first weeks I went to the United Nations where we fought for and secured a clear and unequivocal UN-resolution. We have sent a message directly to the government of Sudan: make progress or face tougher new sanctions. And we will not rest until there is an end to the aerial bombings, a ceasefire, a lasting political settlement and justice for the women and children of Darfur.

One of the great challenges we now face is to work for peace and security in the Middle East. Tony Blair - for thirteen years the Leader of our Party - is now leading in the middle east peace effort and let me here acknowledge the contribution he is making now and the debt we owe as a party and as a country to Tony Blair.

And as the Northern Ireland Assembly meets, thanks also to the work of Tony Blair, let us celebrate that Northern Ireland is now building prosperity because it is now enjoying peace.

And working internationally for understanding and reconciliation across borders, Neil Kinnock, here with us today, is chairing the British Council and let me also acknowledge the debt of gratitude we in this party owe to him.

Because we will do our duty and discharge our obligations, we will work in Iraq and Afghanistan for three objectives: security, political reconciliation and economic reconstruction, and at all times we will do everything to ensure the security of our dedicated armed forces.

Let me say: there should be no safe haven, no hiding place anywhere in the world for Al Qaida and terrorism.

To prevail in this struggle will require more than military force and we will work with our allies to isolate extremism and win the battle of hearts and minds.

I tell you today: there is a global poverty emergency.

Today 80 million children do not go to school. I want us, inspired by Nelson Mandela’s lead to take a campaign to every corner of the world - so that we will be the first generation to ensure every child in every country in every continent has the right to go to school.

Every year 10 million die from diseases we could have the medicine and science to prevent and cure. If in the 20th century human ingenuity could put a man on the face of the moon, then surely in this 21st century human compassion can lift the pain from the face of a suffering child. So let us be the first generation to ensure that every infant child and mother is protected against, and that we eliminate, the scourges of tuberculosis, polio, diphtheria, malaria - and HIV/aids.

For sixty years Britain has shown the way to health care not as a privilege to be paid for but as a fundamental human right.

Better than any other endeavour the NHS expresses our mutual obligation to each other: because all of us need help some of the time, it is the best insurance policy in the world.

I’ve been round the country and I’ve been visiting hospitals, GP surgeries, health centres.

I have listened to and I have heard the British people.

They know when they have a medical emergency the NHS is there for them and at its best. They tell me of their huge admiration for our doctors, our nurses and our NHS staff - and we do not thank them enough, and we should do so now.

I know too there are real concerns about basic things that need to change: getting in to see your GP when you need to; being confident the ward in your hospital will be clean; and at every stage being treated as an individual with respect.

So yes there is work to do.

But let us be clear: the British people do not want to remove the NHS bit by bit; they want to improve the NHS year by year.

And why shouldn’t all British people and not just some be able to see their Doctor at the time they want, at the hospital or clinic they want - not at a time someone else wants.

So let me set out how we take the NHS into a new era.

Our great achievement of the 1940s was a service universal to all. In 2007 we need a service that is accessible to all and personal to all.

Our great ambition now: a National Health Service that is also a personal health service.

And we now have to make big practical changes to set a new standard of service.

MRSA and C-Difficile are this century’s hospital diseases which every modern country is now having to root out.

And to make sure every hospital is clean and safe, following best practice around the world, there will be new funds direct to every hospital for a deep clean of our wards.

We will more than double the number of hospital matrons to 5,000. We will give matrons and ward sisters in all 10,000 wards the powers to report cleaning contractors and safety concerns directly to hospital boards and a stronger health care commission.

And I can announce that matrons will have the power to order additional cleaning and send out a message - meet the highest standards of cleanliness or lose your contract.

I want an NHS: personal to you because you are seen by a consultant in a matter of days, not months; personal to you because there is a right to be given x-ray results quickly and time to discuss your treatment; personal to you because we know that being unwell is not just a nine to five problem.

And so we will make GP hours more friendly to families, open up opportunities to see a GP near your place of work as well as your home, expand walk in centres, medical services at pharmacies and ensure a better service from NHS Direct.

I know the most worrying time for women is whenever breast cancer is suspected. That’s when you need an NHS personal to you.

On best medical advice, we will now extend the ages for breast cancer screening by six years, treat every suspected breast cancer as urgent and guarantee your consultant can fast track you.

And we will also extend colon cancer screening right up the age scale into your seventies.

I can also say that, following the review by Professor Darzi, my aim for the next stage of an NHS personal to you: for every adult a regular check up on the NHS.

In July I met Liam Fairhurst, a twelve year old boy who won the Diana Princess of Wales medal for raising money for cancer and leukaemia research. And he was raising money in memory of a childhood friend who died from cancer even as he himself is fighting the disease.

And I believe this too is a mission for our generation.

Over the next ten years: I am proud to announce that through the medical research council and the NHS together, Britain will invest more than ever before - £15 billion of public money - financing the genius of British researchers and doctors as they convert breakthroughs in genetics, stem cell research and new drugs into cures and vaccines to combat cancer and the deadliest of diseases.

My vision of the NHS – an NHS that is both pioneering new cures and personal to you.

And why do I believe so strongly in the NHS?

When I was at school it was football, rugby, running, sports: these were what I did all the time and so I was fitter then.

But when I was sixteen, when I was playing for my school rugby team against our former pupils, someone accidentally kicked me near my eyes. And from the age of 16 to 21, I spent a lot of time in hospital as the NHS worked to save my sight.

I learned that with a simple twist of fate life can change.

It was the skills of a surgeon, the care of wonderful nurses, the attention and yes, the love and care of the NHS staff that managed to save one of my eyes.

And it is because of the NHS that I can see the words I read today.

The experiences we live through shape the way we think of the world. Experiences like these have made me the person I am.

Sometimes people say I am too serious and I fight too hard and maybe that’s true.

But these experiences taught me what families all across Britain know: that things don’t always come easy and there are things worth fighting for.

Like so many people across this country I have the best of reasons to believe in the life-saving power of the NHS - and the liberating power of education - and for making them both the best they can be.

So this is my pledge to the British people:

I will not let you down.

I will stand up for our schools and our hospitals.

I will stand up for British values.

I will stand up for a strong Britain.

And I will always stand up for you.

source: Labour Party Website

Carling Cup (R3): Man Utd 0 Coventry City 2

Team Line-ups

Manchester United: Kuszczak; Bardsley (Brown, 46), Pique, Evans (Carrick, 56), Simpson; Martin (Campbell, 46), O’Shea (c), Anderson, Nani; Eagles, Dong.
Subs not used: Heaton, A.Eckersley.

Coventry City: Marshall; Borrowdale, Ward, Turner, Osbourne (McNamee, 88); Simpson, Doyle (c), Hughes, Tabb, Mifsud; Best (Adebola, 90).
Subs not used: Konstantopoulos, De Zeeuw, Thornton.

Attendance: 74,055

Thursday, 20 September 2007

Law 4 - The Players Equipment

Laws of the Game - The Players Equipment

Law 4 - The Players Equipment

A player must not use equipment or wear anything that is dangerous to himself or another player (including any kind of jewellery).

Basic Equipment
The basic compulsory equipment of a player comprises the following separate items:
a jersey or shirt
shorts – if thermal undershorts are worn, they are of the same main colour as the shorts

are covered entirely by the stockings
are made of a suitable material (rubber, plastic, or similar substances)
provide a reasonable degree of protection

each goalkeeper wears colours that distinguish him from the other players, the referee and the assistant referees Infringements/Sanctions

For any infringement of this Law:
play need not be stopped
the player at fault is instructed by the referee to leave the field of play to correct his equipment
the player leaves the field of play when the ball next ceases to be in play, unless he has already corrected his equipment
any player required to leave the field of play to correct his equipment does not re-enter without the referee’s permission
the referee checks that the player’s equipment is correct before allowing him to re-enter the fi eld of play
the player is only allowed to re-enter the field of play when the ball is out of play
A player who has been required to leave the field of play because of an infringement of this Law and who enters (or re-enters) the field of play without the referee’s permission is cautioned and shown the yellow card.
Restart of Play

If play is stopped by the referee to administer a caution:
the match is restarted by an indirect free kick taken by a player of the opposing side, from the place where the ball was located when the referee stopped the match
Decisions of the International F.A. Board

Decision 1
Players must not reveal undershirts that contain slogans or advertising. A player removing his jersey to reveal slogans or advertising will be sanctioned by the competition organiser.
Jerseys must have sleeves.

Law 3 - The Number of Players

Law 3 - The Number of Players

A match is played by two teams, each consisting of not more than eleven players, one of whom is the goalkeeper. A match may not start if either team consists of fewer than seven players.

Official Competitions
Up to a maximum of three substitutes may be used in any match played in an offi cial competition organised under the auspices of FIFA, the confederations or the member associations.

The rules of the competition must state how many substitutes may be nominated, from three up to a maximum of seven.

Other Matches
In national A team matches, up to a maximum of six substitutes may be used.

In all other matches, a greater number of substitutes may be used provided that:
The teams concerned reach agreement on a maximum number
The referee is informed before the match.
If the referee is not informed, or if no agreement is reached before the match, no more than six substitutes are allowed.

All Matches
In all matches, the names of the substitutes must be given to the referee prior to the start of the match. Substitutes not so named may not take part in the match.

Substitution Procedure
To replace a player by a substitute, the following conditions must be observed:

The referee is informed before any proposed substitution is made
A substitute only enters the field of play after the player being replaced has left and after receiving a signal from the referee
A substitute only enters the field of play at the halfway line and during a stoppage in the match
A substitution is completed when a substitute enters the field of play
From that moment, the substitute becomes a player and the player he has replaced ceases to be a player
A player who has been replaced takes no further part in the match
All substitutes are subject to the authority and jurisdiction of the referee, whether called upon to play or not
Changing the Goalkeeper

Any of the other players may change places with the goalkeeper, provided that:

The referee is informed before the change is made
The change is made during a stoppage in the match

If a substitute enters the fi eld of play without the referee’s permission: • play is stopped

The substitute is cautioned, shown the yellow card and required to leave the field of play
Play is restarted with an indirect free kick at the place the ball was located when play was stopped
If a player changes places with the goalkeeper without the referee’s permission before the change is made:

Play continues
The players concerned are cautioned and shown the yellow card when the ball is next out of play
For any other infringements of this Law:

The players concerned are cautioned and shown the yellow card
Restart of Play

If play is stopped by the referee to administer a caution: • the match is restarted by an indirect free kick, to be taken by a player of the opposing team from the place where the ball was located when play was stopped Players and Substitutes Sent Off

A player who has been sent off before the kick-off may be replaced only by one of the named substitutes.

A named substitute who has been sent off, either before the kick-off or after play has started, may not be replaced.

Decisions of the International FA Board

Decision 1

Subject to the overriding conditions of Law 3, the minimum number of players in a team is left to the discretion of member associations. The Board is of the opinion, however, that a match should not continue if there are fewer than seven players in either team.

Decision 2

A team offi cial may convey tactical instructions to the players during the match and he must return to his position after giving these instructions. All offi cials must remain within the confi nes of the technical area, where such an area is provided, and they must behave in a responsible manner.


Law 2 - The Ball


The ball is of a circumference of not more than 70 cm and not less than 68 cm

Law 2 - The Ball
Qualities and Measurements
The ball is:
spherical made
-of leather or other suitable material
-of a circumference of not more than 70 cm (28 ins) and not less than 68 cm (27 ins)
-not more than 450 g (16 oz) in weight and not less than 410 g (14 oz) at the start of the match
-of a pressure equal to 0.6 – 1.1 atmosphere (600 – 1100 g/cm2) at sea level (8.5 lbs/sq in 15.6 lbs/sq in)
Replacement of a Defective Ball

If the ball bursts or becomes defective during the course of a match:

the match is stopped
the match is restarted by dropping the replacement ball at the place where the first ball became defective
If the ball bursts or becomes defective whilst not in play at a kick-off, goal kick, corner kick, free kick, penalty kick or throw-in:

the match is restarted accordingly
The ball may not be changed during the match without the authority of the referee.


Ronaldo (62)

Team line-ups
Sporting Lisbon: Stojkovic, Abel, Tonel, Anderson Polga, Ronny (Bruno Pereirinha 74), Izmailov (Vukcevic 55), Veloso, Joao Moutinho, Romagnoli (Purovic 67), Djalo, Liedson.
Subs Not Used: Tiago, Paredes, Farnerud, Gladstone.

Manchester United: Van der Sar; Brown, Vidic, Ferdinand, Evra; Ronaldo (Tevez, 85), Carrick, Scholes, Giggs (Anderson, 76), Nani; Rooney (Saha, 72).
Subs not used: Kuszczak, Pique, J Evans, Eagles.

Attendance: 39,514
source: Man Utd website

Michuzi aendeleza libeneke!

Hongera sana brother Michuzi kwa kuitumia vema taaluma yako ktk kipindi hiki cha utandawazi. Bila shaka kujihusha kwako kutawanufaisha na kuwaelimisha watanzania wengi.
Na Mosonga

Michuzi ameanzisha Site Mpya - Tanzania Times











Labels: Michuzi, Tanzania Times

Source: Chemi Che-Mponda Blog

Tuesday, 18 September 2007

Nyasi bandia Tanzania wapi na wapi!

Kwanini lakini nyasi bandia???
Mengi nilishayasema kuhusu hizi nyasi bandia. Leo sitasema zaidi, ila nasema tena Tanzania hatuhitaji kamwe kuwa na viwanja vyenye nyasi bandia!
Hizo hela zingetumiwa kufundisha walimu wa michezo (mpira wa miguu) ktk ngazi za wilaya na vijiji ili tupate kisima cha wachezaji tokea vijijini hadi mijini kwa ajili ya timu zetu na hasa timu ya Taifa.
Hivi kweli TFF imeenda FIFA kuomba mamilioni ya hela kwa ajili ya kutandaza nyasi bandia toka nje ya nchi, kununua mchanga nje ya nchi madawa ya kutunza 'nyasi' na wataalamu wa kuzitandaza halafu kila miaka 5 hadi 10 tulipie wataalamu wa kufanya mategenezo!
Kisa ni nini hasa? Au ina maana nyasi za asili hazioti au kukua Tanzania?
Na Mosonga

2007-09-18 13:45:10
By ITV Habari
Wataalam wa kutandaza nyasi bandia katika uwanja wa taifa wa zamani na ule wa karume walitarajiwa kuwasili nchini jana kwa ajili kusimamia zoezi hilo litakalo kamilika baada ya siku kumi.

Afisa habari wa shirikisho la soka Tanzania - TFF, Florian Kaijage, amesema wataalam hao ambao wanatoka Uholanzi wamepewa kazi hiyo na shirikisho la kandanda Duniani- FIFA, na watashsirikiana na mkandarasi wa hapa nchini.
source: alasiri

Hizi hela zifanye kazi yake jamani!

Marekani yatoa sh. bilioni 890
BODI ya Wakurugenzi ya Ushirika wa Malengo ya Milenia (MCC) chini ya serikali ya Marekani imeidhinisha msaada wa dola za Marekani milioni 698 (sawa na sh. bilioni 890) kwa ajili ya kuharakisha Mkakati wa Kukuza Uchumi na Kuondoa Umasikini Tanzania (MKUKUTA) ili kufikia malengo ya milenia.
Taarifa iliyotolewa na ubalozi wa Marekani jijini Dar es Salaam jana, ilisema azimio hilo lilifikiwa na MCC katika kikao kilichofanyika mjini Washington, Marekani.
“Makubaliano haya (ya MCC) ni uthibitisho wa juhudi za Tanzania katika kuwajengea maisha bora wananchi wake,” Mtendaji Mkuu wa MCC, Balozi John Danilovich alinukuliwa kwenye taarifa hiyo.
Danilovich ambaye aliwahi kutembelea miradi ya MKUKUTA hapa nchini Januari mwaka huu, alisisitiza umuhimu wa Tanzania kupatiwa msaada mkubwa wa kifedha ili kufanikisha malengo thabiti iliyojiwekea.
Aliwapongeza Watanzania kwa kuwa na mpango makini na endelevu katika kukuza uchumi kama vile kuimarisha miundombinu, upatikanaji wa nishati ya kudumu na maji salama.
“Kipaumbele cha Tanzania kuwekeza katika sekta ya miundombinu, nishati na maji, itakuwa ni kichocheo cha kupunguza umasikini na kusababisha uchumi kukua,” alisema Balozi Danilovich.
Alisema lengo la MCC la kutoa msaada wa fedha kwa Tanzania kutafanikisha mikakati ya ukarabati wa barabara na kuwezesha mawasiliano mazuri ya kwenda kwenye masoko, shule, hospitali, vituo vya afya, zahanati na hivyo kuongeza fursa za kibiashara na kilimo.
“Kupitia kwenye haya malengo ya milenia, Wamarekani wanaona fahari kuisaidia Tanzania katika juhudi zake za kupunguza umasikini na kuboresha maisha ya wananchi,” alifafanua Danilovich.
Alisema kuidhinishwa kwa msaada huo ni sehemu ya makadirio kwa mwaka wa fedha 2008 wa MCC katika kutekeleza mikakati yake.
Balozi Danilivich alisema Tanzania ni nchi pekee iliyopewa sehemu kubwa ya misaada ya MCC kuliko nchi nyingine 16, wanachama wa ushirika huo.
Nchi nyingine wanachama wa MCC ni Madagascar, Cape Verde, Honduras, Nicaragua, Georgia, Armenia, Vanuatu, Benin, Ghana, Mali, El Salvador, Msumbiji, Lesotho, Morocco na Mongolia.
MCC ni ushirika ulioundwa na serikali ya Marekani kwa ajili ya kuzisaidia nchi masikini duniani, kuimarisha uongozi bora, uwezo wa kujitegemea kiuchumi na uwekezaji ambao unaimarisha uchumi na uondoaji umasikini.
Wakati huohuo, serikali ya Japan imetia saini makubaliano ya kutoa msaada wa sh. bilioni 25.6 kwa Tanzania ili kufanikisha MKUKUTA na kupambana na ugonjwa wa ukimwi.
Makubaliono hayo kwa niaba ya serikali ya Japan, yalitiwa saini jana jijini Dar es Salaam na Balozi wa nchi hiyo hapa nchini, Makoto Ito na Katibu Mkuu wa Wizara ya Fedha, Grey Mgonja.
Ito alitaja moja ya mambo yaliyoshawishi utoaji wa msaada huo kuwa ni juhudi za Rais Jakaya Kikwete katika kupambana na ukimwi na kuondoa umasikini.
“Julai mwaka huu nilifurahi sana nilipohudhuria hafla ya kitaifa ya kupima virusi vya ukimwi iliyozinduliwa na Rais Kikwete,” alisema Ito.
Aliongeza kuwa kitendo cha Rais Kikwete kupima ukimwi katika uzinduzi huo kinaonyesha jinsi alivyokusudia kupambana nao na kinadhihirisha kwa vitendo umahiri wake katika kuongoza.
Ito alisema ana imani kuwa serikali ya Tanzania itatumia fedha hizo kulingana na makubaliano ili kutekeleza lengo la kuimarisha uchumi na kuondoa umasikini.
Kwa upande wake, Mgonja alifafanua kuwa kati ya sh. bilioni 25.6 zitakazotolewa na Japan, sh. bilioni 21.8 ni kwa ajili ya kutekeleza MKUKUTA wakati sh. bilioni 3.8 zitachangia kwenye vita dhidi ya ukimwi.
Mgonja alisema miradi yote itaelekezwa katika maeneo ya vijijini kwa kuwa ndiko kwenye hali mbaya.


Gordon Brown II

'I am a conviction politician just as Margreth Thatcher was'
- I liked these words from the prime Minister Gordon Brown on 4th September, 2007 during one of his usual press conferences.
I have become a great fan of this great man!! I like his words and actions as well!
By Mosonga

James Gordon Brown (born 20 February 1951) is the current Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.
He took office on 27 June 2007, three days after becoming leader of the Labour Party.
Prior to this he served as the Chancellor of the Exchequer in Tony Blair's Government from 1997 to 2007, becoming the United Kingdom's longest serving Chancellor.
He also holds the positions of First Lord of the Treasury, the Minister for the Civil Service and has a PhD in history which he gained from the University of Edinburgh.

He has been a Member of Parliament, for Dunfermline East and then Kirkcaldy and Cowdenbeath, since 1983.

Early life and career before parliament
Gordon Brown was born in Govan, in Glasgow, Scotland, although media have occasionally given his place of birth as Giffnock, Renfrewshire, where his parents were living at the time.

His father, John Ebenezer Brown, was a minister of the Church of Scotland. He was a strong influence on Brown and died in 1998, aged 84. His mother Elizabeth, known as Bunty, died in 2004 aged 86. Gordon was brought up with his brothers John and Andrew Brown in a manse in Kirkcaldy — the largest town in Fife, Scotland across the Firth of Forth from Edinburgh. In common with many other notable Scots, he is therefore often referred to as a "son of the manse".
Brown was educated first at Kirkcaldy West Primary School where he was selected for an experimental fast stream education programme, which took him two years early to Kirkcaldy High School for an academic hothouse education taught in separate classes. At age 16 he wrote that he loathed and resented this "ludicrous" experiment on young lives.

He was accepted by the University of Edinburgh to study history at the age of only 16.
He suffered a retinal detachment after being kicked in the head during an end-of-term rugby union match at his old school. He was left blind in his left eye, despite treatment including several operations and lying in a darkened room for weeks at a time. He has since been fitted with an artificial eye.
Later at Edinburgh, while playing tennis, he noticed the same symptoms in his right eye. Brown underwent experimental surgery at Edinburgh Royal Infirmary and his eye was saved.

Brown graduated from Edinburgh with First Class Honours M.A. in 1972, and stayed on to complete his PhD (which he gained in 1982), titled The Labour Party and Political Change in Scotland 1918-29.
According to biographer Tom Bower, Brown originally intended his thesis to cover the development of the Labour movement from the seventeenth century onwards, but evolved to more modestly describe "Labour's struggle to establish itself as the alternative to the Conservatives [in the early part of the 20th century]".

In 1972, while still a student, Brown was elected Rector of the University of Edinburgh, the convener of the University Court. Brown served as Rector until 1975, and he also edited The Red Paper on Scotland.
Brown served as a temporary lecturer at Edinburgh, but was denied a permanent post due to his political activism.
Instead he gained employment as a lecturer in Politics at Glasgow College of Technology from 1976 to 1980.
He then worked as a journalist at Scottish Television, later serving as current affairs editor until his election to parliament in 1983.

In the 1979 general election, Brown stood for the Edinburgh South constituency, but lost to the Conservative candidate, Michael Ancram.

Election to parliament and opposition
Brown was elected to Parliament on his second attempt as a Labour MP for Dunfermline East in 1983 general election and became opposition spokesman on Trade and Industry in 1985.
In 1986, he published a biography of the Independent Labour Party politician James Maxton, the subject of his PhD thesis.
Brown was Shadow Chief Secretary to the Treasury from 1987 to 1989 and then Shadow Secretary of State for Trade and Industry, before becoming Shadow Chancellor in 1992.

After the sudden death of Labour leader John Smith in May 1994, Brown was tipped as a potential party leader, but did not contest the leadership after Tony Blair became favourite. It has long been rumoured a deal was struck between Blair and Brown at the Granita restaurant in Islington, in which Blair promised to give Brown control of economic policy in return for Brown not standing against him in the leadership election. Whether this is true or not, the relationship between Blair and Brown has been central to the fortunes of "New Labour", and they have mostly remained united in public, despite reported serious private rifts.

As Shadow Chancellor, Brown worked to present himself as a fiscally competent Chancellor-in-waiting, to reassure business and the middle class that Labour could be trusted to run the economy without fuelling inflation, increasing unemployment, or overspending – legacies of the 1970s.
He publicly committed Labour to following the Conservatives' spending plans for the first two years after taking power.

Following a reorganisation of parliamentary constituencies in Scotland, Brown became MP for Kirkcaldy and Cowdenbeath at the 2005 election.

The Prime Minister's website singles out three achievements in particular from Brown's decade as Chancellor:
presiding over "the longest ever period of growth", making the Bank of England independent and delivering an agreement on poverty and climate change at the G8 summit in 2005.

Acts as Chancellor
1. Bank of England independence On taking office as Chancellor of the Exchequer, Brown gave the Bank of England operational independence in monetary policy, and thus responsibility for setting interest rates.
2. Tax: In the 1997 election and subsequently, Brown pledged to not increase the basic or higher rates of income tax.
3. Over his Chancellorship, he reduced the starting rate from 20% to 10% in 1999 before abolishing the starting rate in 2007, and reduced the basic rate from 23% to 20%.
However, in all but his final budget, Brown increased the tax thresholds in line with inflation, rather than earnings, resulting in fiscal drag. Corporation tax fell under Brown, from a main rate of 33% to 28%, and from 24% to 19% for small businesses.

Spending Once the two-year period of following the Conservatives' spending plans was over, Brown's 2000 Spending Review outlined a major expansion of government spending, particularly on health and education. In his April 2002 budget, Brown raised national insurance to pay for health spending. Brown changed tax policy in other ways, such as the working tax credits.

Brown is the first prime minister from a Scottish constituency since the Conservative/SUP Sir Alec Douglas-Home in 1964. He is also one of only four Prime Ministers who attended a university other than Oxford or Cambridge, along with the Earl of Bute (Leiden), Lord John Russell (Edinburgh) and Neville Chamberlain (Mason Science College, later Birmingham). Many Prime Ministers were not university-educated at all, including the Duke of Wellington, Benjamin Disraeli, David Lloyd George, Winston Churchill, James Callaghan and John Major.

Bid for Labour Leadership
In his resignation speech on 10 May 2007, Tony Blair stated he would stand down as Prime Minister on 27 June. After years of speculation, Gordon Brown formally announced on 11 May his bid for the Labour leadership. Brown launched his campaign website the same day as formally announcing his bid for leadership "Gordon Brown for Britain".
He formally became Leader of the Labour party at a special Party Conference held in Manchester on 24 June.

Brown as Prime Minister
Brown ceased to be Chancellor and, upon the approval of HM Queen Elizabeth II, became the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom on 27 June 2007. Like all Prime Ministers, Brown concurrently serves as the First Lord of the Treasury and the Minister for the Civil Service, is a member of the Cabinet of the United Kingdom and, hence, also a Privy Counsellor. He is also Leader of the Labour Party and Member of Parliament for the constituency of Kirkcaldy and Cowdenbeath.

Married life and family
As a younger man, Brown's girlfriends included the journalist Sheena McDonald, Marion Calder and Princess Margarita, the eldest daughter of exiled King Michael of Romania. She has said about their relationship: "It was a very solid and romantic story. I never stopped loving him but one day it didn't seem right any more, it was politics, politics, politics, and I needed nurturing."

Brown married Sarah Macaulay in a private ceremony at his home in North Queensferry, Fife, on 3 August 2000 after a four-year courtship. She is a public relations executive and was, until 2001, Chief Executive of Hobsbawm Macaulay, the consultancy firm she owned with Julia Hobsbawm (daughter of Marxist historian Eric Hobsbawm). They met when her company was advising the Labour-supporting New Statesman magazine in 1994 and the relationship blossomed alongside Labour's electoral success. On 28 December 2001, a daughter, Jennifer Jane, was born prematurely and died on 8 January 2002. Gordon Brown commented at the time that their recent experiences had changed him and his wife:
"I don't think we'll be the same again, but it has made us think of what's important. It has made us think that you've got to use your time properly. It's made us more determined. Things that we feel are right we have got to achieve, we have got to do that. Jennifer is an inspiration to us."
Their second child, John, was born on 17 October 2003. Their third child, a son, James Fraser, was born on 17 July 2006; it was reported on 29 November 2006 that he was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis.

Sarah Brown, unlike Cherie Blair, rarely appears at public events with her husband and until recently even missed his Budget speeches. She intends to remain out of the limelight as much as possible but accepts that her life will change when she moves into 10 Downing Street. She has never given a magazine or television interview and even inundated with requests now, she is unlikely to do so.

Gordon Brown has never had a driving licence. His recreations include football, reading, tennis and writing.

Of his two brothers, John Brown is Head of Public Relations in the Glasgow City Council. His brother Andrew Brown is currently Head of Media for the French-owned utility company EDF Energy since 2004. He was previously director of media strategy at the world's largest public relations firm Weber Shandwick from June 2003 to 2004. Previously he was editor of the Channel 4 political programme Powerhouse from 1996 to 2003, and worked at the BBC from the late 1970s to early 1980s.

Brown received honorary degrees from the University of Edinburgh in 2003 and Newcastle University in 2007 (DCL). He received an Honorary Doctorate alongside Alan Greenspan from New York University in 2006.

source: wikipedia

Monday, 17 September 2007

Gordon Brown I

Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Assumed office
27 June 2007
Monarch Elizabeth II
Preceded by Tony Blair
Succeeded by Incumbent


Chancellor of the Exchequer
In office
2 May 1997 – 27 June 2007
Prime Minister Tony Blair
Preceded by Kenneth Clarke
Succeeded by Alistair Darling


Member of Parliament
for Kirkcaldy and Cowdenbeath
Dunfermline East (1983-2005)
Assumed office
9 June 1983
Preceded by New Constituency
Succeeded by Incumbent
Majority 18,216 (43.6%)


Born 20 February 1951 (1951-02-20) (age 56)
Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom
Nationality British
Political party Labour
Spouse Sarah Brown
Children John and James Fraser
Residence Official: 10 Downing Street
Private: North Queensferry

As a younger man, Brown's girlfriends included the journalist Sheena McDonald, Marion Calder and Princess Margarita, the eldest daughter of exiled King Michael of Romania. She has said about their relationship: "It was a very solid and romantic story. I never stopped loving him but one day it didn't seem right any more, it was politics, politics, politics, and I needed nurturing."

source: wikipedia

Serikali yafanya kweli

Naipongeza serikali ya JK kwa hili!
By Mosonga.

Marufuku `supermarket` kuuza mboga za nje-Wasira

17 Sep 2007
By Richard Makore

Wizara ya Kilimo, Chakula na Ushirika imepiga marufuku maduka makubwa ya bidhaa mbalimbali maarufu kama supermarkets, kuagiza mboga za majani kutoka nje na kuuza nchini.

Waziri wa wizara hiyo, Bw. Stephen Wasira, alitangaza hatua hiyo jana jijini Dar es Salaam na kuwataka wenye maduka hayo kuuza mboga za majani zinazozalishwa na wakulima wa hapa nchini.

`Wanunue zinazolimwa na wakulima wa ndani ili kuinua kipato chao.` Aliagiza Bw. Wassira alipokuwa akizungumza na waandishi wa habari.

Bw. Wasira alisema, baadhi ya wawekezaji wenye maduka makubwa wamekuwa wakiagiza vitu mbalimbali kutoka nje kwa ajili ya matumizi ya kawaida hata vile vinavyopatikana kwa wingi humu nchini.

Aidha, Waziri alisema, serikali iko mbioni kuhakikisha kuwa sekta ya kilimo inakuwa ya kibiashara zaidi na yenye manufaa kwa wakulima .

Alisema katika hatua za awali za kufikia lengo hilo watalaamu 2,500 wanatarajiwa kuajiriwa na kusambazwa vijijini ili kuwaelekeza wakulima mbinu za kilimo cha kisasa.

Alisema kilimo hakiwezi kuboreka ikiwa hakutakuwa na mipango maalumu ya kukiboresha ikiwa ni pamoja na kutumia watalaamu, mbolea ,mbegu bora , zana za kilimo na wanyama kazi.

`Kilimo hapa nchini hakiwezi kumsaidia mkulima kama ataendelea kutumia njia za kizamani katika kulima`, alisema.

Bw. Wasira aliwahimiza wakulima kutumia mbolea ili wapate mavuno mengi.

Alisema serikali itawatumia wananchi waliopo vijijini kama mawakala wa kuuza mbolea badala ya utaratibu wa sasa ambapo kazi hiyo inafanywa na makampuni makubwa.

Bw. Wasira alifafanua kuwa licha ya serikali kuyalipa makampuni hayo gharama za usafirishaji wa pembejeo kutoka Dar es Salaam kwenda mikoani bado yameshindwa kuziuza kwa bei ya nafuu ili kuwawezesha wakulima kuzinunua.

Aliongeza kuwa, serikali imetenga Shilingi bilioni nne kwa ajili ya kuwapatia mafunzo mawakala wa kuuza pembejeo vijijini.

Aliendelea kusema kuwa makampuni hayo yameshindwa kazi kwa kuwa maeneo mengi wakulima wanalalamikia suala la kucheleweshewa pembejeo.

Ili kuondoa usumbufu huo kila mkulima atapewa kadi maalumu itakayomwezesha kununua mbolea na pembejeo kwa bei nafuu na kwa wakati.

Alisisitiza kuwa, kama mipango ya wizara yake itasimamiwa ipasavyo itaweza kumsaidia mkulima kujikomboa kutoka katika umasikini na kuingia kwenye maisha bora.

* SOURCE: Nipashe

Rushwa ya ngono inaweza kuisha ikiwa...

Nimeipenda sana hii makala. Sijui kina dada wangapi wataisoma au kuipenda ...!
By Mosonga.

Rushwa ya ngono ndani ya vyumba vya habari inaweza kuisha ikiwa...

16 Sep 2007
By Anti Flora Wingia

Taaluma ya Uandishi wa habari ni moja ya nyenzo muhimu katika maendeleo ya taifa lolote lile. Waandishi ndani ya taaluma hii jukumu lao kubwa ni kukusanya habari, kuziandika kwa usahihi na ukweli, kisha kuzisambaza kupitia vyombo vya habari iwe ni redio, magazeti na televisheni na kadhalika ili umma ufahamu kinachoendelea.

Habari hizo zaweza kuwa za kisiasa, kiuchumi, kijamii ambazo kwa ujumla wake zinahusu maendeleo ya nchi na watu wake.Lipo tatizo moja ambalo serikali imeamua kulivalia njuga kutokana athari zake katika maendeleo ya taifa letu.
Hili ni tatizo la rushwa katika siasa.

Waandishi wa habari wamekuwa mstari wa mbele kuandika habari zinazohusu wanaobambwa na rushwa ya aina hii, japokuwa kwa uchache wamenaswa baadhi ya vigogo lakini wengi ni wale samaki wadogo.

Lakini tatizo hili ni kifo cha wengi kwani hata ndani ya vyombo vya habari kwenyewe, tatizo la rushwa lipo kupitia vijibahasha vilivyosheheni `mishiko`.

Hili na hata waandishi kwenye vyombo vya habari vya IPP na Mwananchi Communication wamekiri wakati walipokutana kwenye warsha ya siku moja Jijini Dar es Salaam Alhamisi wiki hii.

Mpenzi msomaji, niruhusu nizungumzie rushwa ya ngono inayowanyima raha waandishi chipukizi wa kike katika vyumba vyetu vya habari.

Jambo hili katika warsha ile lilitolewa maoni na baadhi ya washiriki ambapo wapo waliosema mabinti wenyewe ndio wanaojisogeza kwa waandishi au wahariri wa kiume ili kubembeleza habari aliyoandika itoke.

Wengine wakasema waandishi au wahariri wanaume ndio wanaowalazimisha mahusiano ili kuwachapishia habari waziandikazo. Rushwa hii kwa kiasi kikubwa imewatia woga waandishi chipukizi wa kike wanaotaka kujiunga na taaluma hiyo.

Katika warsha hiyo ambayo pia nilikuwa mzungumzaji, niliwaambia waandishi wenzangu kwamba tatizo hilo la rushwa ya ngono lipo na mabinti wengi wamejikuta ama wanasuasua kumudu uandishi wa habari au hawajiamini kutokana na mazoea ya kuandikiwa habari zao na wahariri wa habari au waandishi waandamizi ambao huwapa masharti ya mahusiano kimapenzi.

Lakini kusema ukweli mabinti hawa wanaweza kukataa hali hiyo na hakika inawezekana kabisa. Labda nieleze uzoefu wangu kuthibitisha hilo.

Niingia chumba cha habari mwaka 1978 nikiitwa mwandishi mwanafunzi.

Nikajifunzia uandishi pale pale huku tukiwa wasichana wawili tu wanafunzi, na kinamama wawili watu wazima(sub-editors).

Wengine katika chumba kile cha habari walikuwa wanaume watupu. Walikuwa watundu sana.

Wengine hivi sasa ni wanasheria, mahakimu, wahadhiri na kadhalika.

Wakawa wanatunyanyasa kwa kejeli kwamba wanawake hawafai kuwa waandishi, eti ile ni kazi ya wanaume. Sisi tukakomaa.

Tukaziba masikio. Yupo mhariri wa habari mmoja alitafuta njia mbalimbali kunitega, akashindwa. Matokeo yake kama kunikomoa akawa ananipangia kazi ngumu lakini zote niliweza.

Siku moja akanikataza kwenda kula mchana wakati tayari amenipanga late duty (kutoka wa mwisho ofisini). Nikakaidi nikaenda zangu kula.

Ilikuwa Jumapili. Jumatatu niliporipoti ofisini, wenzangu wote wakapangiwa kazi mimi nikaachwa. Jumanne na Jumatano vivyo hivyo. Nikaona ujinga.

Nikaanza kulia. Msanifu Mkuu Mzalendo akanikuta nalia akaniuliza kulikoni, nikamweleza.

Akaondoka kumbe alienda kumjulisha Mhariri Mtendaji(Bosi wa Shirika). Huyu akaniita nikamweleza kilichotokea.

Akaniambia kesho yake nikatafute habari yoyote mitaani kisha niiandike, nitoe nakala nimpelekee. Nakala halisi ya habari ile nimpatie mhariri yule wa habari anayeninyanyasa.

Ilikuwa ni Ijumaa na nilipotizama gazeti nikaona habari ile imechapishwa.

Tokea siku ile alikoma kabisa kunisumbua. Hadi naondoka katika chombo kile cha habari sikulegeza uzi ule.

Kwa hiyo, kupiga vita rushwa ya ngono katika vyumba vya habari inawezekana ikiwa mabinti watakuwa ngangari, wakatae na kama wanazidi kusumbuliwa watoe ripoti ngazi za juu ili wale wanaowasumbua wadhibitiwe.

Mpenzi msomaji, taaluma hii ya uandishi wa habari pia inahitaji uwiano wa kijinsia. Hawa ndio watakuwa mawaziri wa habari huko waendako.

Siyo kila mahali ni mfumo dume tu umejikita kwa kisingizio kwamba eti wanawake hawawezi. La hasha, wakipewa nafasi wanaweza sana na pengine kuliko hata wanaume.

Wahariri wanaume na hata waandishi waandamizi wanatakiwa kuwasaidia waandishi chipukizi wa kike bila masharti.

Wakumbuke kwamba hata wao walianzia katika ngazi za chini hadi kufikia hapo walipo. Waache tamaa hizi za fisi wanazofikiri wanaonyesha urijali kumbe wanaangamizana.

Baadhi yao wanao wake zao majumbani na mabinti wengine wanao waume zao au wachumba zao. Sasa michezo hii ya kuigiza wanayofanya wanadhani wanamfurahisha nani kama siyo kugawiana masikitiko?

Tatizo hili linahitaji mjadala mpana kujaribu kutafuta njia sahihi na za kudumu za kulitokomeza kabisa. Baadhi ya wasichana wanadai hali ngumu ya uchumi ndiyo inayowafanya wajirahisi. Lakini niwaulize, wakijirahisi uchumi huo utadumu kwa muda gani?

Wakumbuke kuwa uvumilivu hula mbivu. Wengine tulivumilia ndio maana tupo hapa tulipo. Unafikia mahali mtu anakurubuni nawe unamjibu... hata mimi ninazo. Naweza kujikimu mwenyewe kwa kazi yangu.

Hiyo ndiyo jeuri ambayo wanawake katika taaluma hii wanapaswa kuiweka mbele. Tunachotaka ni kinababa hawa watizame chini au wafikirie mara mbili mbili nitumie gia gani kumpata fulani.

Tukatae rushwa hizi ambazo badala ya kudhani zitakuinua kiuchumi kumbe zinakudidimiza na kukuchelewesha kule uendako.

Utashi na dhamira yako mwandishi wa kike ilenge kujitegemea wewe mwenyewe na siyo kuwa tegemezi. Ukiendekeza utegemezi, basi uelewe kuwa rushwa hizi za kujitakia zitakuzunguka maisha yako yote.

Jiamini na ujitume mwenyewe, hakika, utaweza. Usikubali njia za mkato. Kumbuka kila mwenye mafanikio amepitia vikwazo vingi ambavyo hatimaye alivishinda. Na hiyo ni kutokana na kutokata tamaa. Maisha Ndivyo Yalivyo.

* SOURCE: Nipashe

Man Utd Results

12 August 2007 Reading H k.o.1600BST Draw 0 - 0
15 August 2007 Portsmouth A KO19:45BST Draw 1-1, Scholes
19 August 2007 Man City A KO13:30BST Lost 0-1
26 August 2007 Tottenham H KO16:00BST Win 1-0, Nani

01 September 2007 Sunderland H k.o. 17:15 W 1-0, Saha
15 September 2007 Everton A KO12:00 BST W 1-0, Vidic 83'
19 September2007 Sporting Lisbon A KO19:45BST W 1-0, Ronaldo 62'
23 September2007 Chelsea H KO1600BST W 2-0, Tevez 45', Saha 89'

26 September2007 Coventry City H KO20:00BST L 0-2
29 September2007 Birmingham A KO17:15BST
02 October2007 Roma H KO19:45BST

Scholes-1(Prem)+ =1
Nani-1(Prem)+ =1
Vidic-1(Prem)+ =1
Tevez-1(Prem)+ =1

Saturday, 15 September 2007

Everton-0 Man utd-1, Vidic 83'

The cavalry finally arrived in the 83rd minute. Patrice Evra won a corner on the left and Nemanja Vidic, so dangerous from set-pieces, found space at the front post to power home from Nani’s centre. It merely enhances the Serb's cult status among United's supporters, and the relief at seeing the ball hit the back of the net was almost immeasurable. Remarkably, it was United's first attempt on target.

But the drama wasn’t over there. James McFadden, Scotland’s hero against France in midweek, came on for Phil Neville and immediately tested Edwin van der Sar with a 20-yard effort. The Dutchman palmed away the shot, but it fell to substitute Victor Anichebe inside the six-yard area. United’s fans, hearts in mouths, must have winced, but Rio Ferdinand came to the rescue to block the Nigerian’s shot, before Yobo fired wide.

This isn’t the slick United we saw at this stage of last season, but with several key players returning to action from injury or suspension, it is another victory at least – the third 1-0 win in a row – and results under recent circumstances are all that matter.

Team Line-ups

Everton: Wessels; Hibbert, Yobo, Lescott, Baines; Osman (Pienaar, 72) P.Neville (McFadden, 84), Jagielka, Arteta; Johnson, Yakubu (Anichebe, 72).
Subs not used: Turner, Carsley.

Manchester United: Van der Sar; Brown, Ferdinand, Vidic, Silvestre (Nani, 40, Pique, 84); Ronaldo, Carrick, Scholes, Evra; Giggs (Saha, 62), Tevez.
Subs not used: Kuszczak, Gibson

Mudhihir akatwa mkono

Mudhihir akatwa mkono

*Ni kutokana na ajali ya gari iliyotokea Lindi
*Ahamishiwa kitengo cha MOI kwa matibabu
*Lowassa, mawaziri na wabunge wamjulia hali

Na Reuben Kagaruki
MBUNGE wa Mchinga, Bw. Mudhihir Mudhihir (CCM), amekatwa mkono wa kulia uliosagwa na gari alilokuwa akiendesha na kupinduka.
Ajali hiyo ilitokea juzi jioni eneo la SIDO mkoani Lindi ambapo inadawa Mbunge huyo alikuwa akijaribu kumkwepa mwendesha baiskeli.

Katika gari hilo inadaiwa alikuwa na mdogo wake aliyetajwa kwa jina moja la Ramadhan lakini yeye hakupata majeraha.
Bw. Mudhihir alisafirishwa kwenda Dar es Salaam jana kwa ndege ya kukodi, akitokea hospitali ya Misheni ya Nyangao, Lindi Vijijini na kukimbizwa moja kwa moja kwa matibabu zaidi katika Taasisi ya Tiba ya Mifupa (MOI) ambako amelezwa akiendelea na matibabu.

Akizungumza jana na gazeti hili Ofisa Muuguzi Daraja la Pili wa MOI, Bw. Francis Chilumba, ambaye alimsindikiza Bw. Mudhihir kutoka Nyangao hadi Dar es Salaam, alisema alipokewa katika hospitali yao saa mbili usiku akitokea hospitali ya mkoa wa Lindi ya Sokoine ambako alipewa matibabu ya awali.
"Baada ya kufikishwa hospitalini kwetu alionekana mkono wake umesagika na baada ya kupigwa X-ray ulionekana umeumia mno," alisema Bw. Chilumba.

Alisema madaktari wa hospitali hiyo walijadiliana kwa muda mrefu na kuafikiana kuukata ili kuokoa maisha yake. "Madaktari waliamua kuuondoa mkono wote, ili kuokoa maisha ya mgonjwa," alisisitiza Bw. Chilumba kuhusu mkono huo ambao umekatiwa juu ya kiwiko.
Alipoulizwa kuhusiana na hali ya Bw. Mudhihir tangu walipotoka Lindi hadi kutua kwenye Uwanja wa Ndege wa Kimataifa wa Mwalimu J.K. Nyerere, Bw. Chilumba alisema haikuwa mbaya, isipokuwa mara kwa mara alikuwa akilalamikia maumivu.

Akizungumza na watu waliokwenda kumjulia hali akiwamo Waziri Mkuu, Bw. Edward Lowassa, ambaye alifika MOI saa 9 alasiri, Bw. Mudhihir alisema kwa wakati huo hali yake ilikuwa ikiendelea vizuri.
"Msihofu kwa kuwa niko hapa, basi nimepona," alisema Bw. Mudhihir na kuongeza: "Hii ni kazi ya Mungu." Alisema viungo vyote viko salama isipokuwa anasikia maumivu makali kwenye mkono uliokatwa.
Alimwambia Bw. Lowassa kuwa anaishukuru Serikali kwa kutuma ndege haraka ili kumchukua kutoka Lindi na kumleta Dar es Salaam kwa matibabu muhimu.

Kwa upande wake, Bw. Lowassa aliwaambia mawaziri na wabunge waliofika hospitalini kumjulia hali: "Nimemwona na anatia moyo."

Wengine waliofika hospitalini hapo ni Waziri wa Mambo ya Nje na Ushirikiano wa Kimataifa, Bw. Bernard Membe, Waziri wa Nchi, Ofisi ya Rais Menejimenti ya Utumishi wa Umma, Dkt. Hawa Ghasia na Naibu Waziri wa Kazi, Ajira na Maendeleo ya Vijana, Bw. Emmanuel Nchimbi.

Wengine ni Mbunge wa Kinondoni, Bw. Idd Azzan, Mbunge wa Mafia, Bw. Abdulkarim Shah, Mbunge wa Mtwara Vijijini, Bw. Mohamed Sinani na Mbunge wa Viti Maalumu, Bibi Anna Abdallah.

Jina la Mudhihir limekuwa kwenye 'midomo' ya wapinzani katika siku za karibuni, baada ya kutoa mapendekezo ya kumsimamisha kazi Mbunge wa Kigoma Kaskazini, Bw. Zitto Kabwe (CHADEMA), kwa tuhuma za kusema uongo bungeni dhidi ya Waziri wa Nishati na Madini, Bw. Nazir Karamagi. Bw. Zitto alisimamishwa kazi kwa miezi sita.

Hatua hiyo ilifikiwa kutokana na Bw. Kabwe kutoa hoja binafsi bungeni akitaka iundwe Kamati Teule ya kuchunguza hatua ya Waziri Karamagi kusaini mkataba wa mgodi wa Buzwagi nje ya nchi.

Hata hivtyo baada ya Bw. Kabwe kusimamishwa kazi, yeye na wapinzani wenzake wamekuwa wakizunguka sehemu mbalimbali nchini kuelezea sababu za kusimamishwa kwake huku wakimlaumu Bw. Mudhihir kwa kutoa mapendekezo yaliyomfikisha katika adhabu hiyo.

source; majira