Tuesday, 30 December 2008

Ben Dotsei Malor

Ben Dotsei Malor
Age: 39.

Where born?
TADZEWU, Volta Region, GHANA - 3 miles from hometown Ohawu. Apparently, my pregnant mum, a trader, had gone to the market in Tadzewu and suddenly realised I was eager to make my entry into the world.

First memory?
Sweets brought home from the market by Mum.

Favourite school teacher(s)?
Several! In primary school: Mr De and Mr Amuzu. In secondary school: Mr Amegashie, a Mathematics teacher who made the (hitherto tough) subject a joy for all of us.

Best school friend(s)?
Robert Geraldo, Thomas Kwadzovia, Arnold Mensa Bonsu

Best school subject?
Mathematics and History

Married or single?

One: A boy called Klenam, an Ewe name meaning "Shine for me".

Favourite food?
Boiled rice and spinach (or green leaves) stew with fried fish.

Favourite music?
Gospel and Reggae

Favourite African country?
I'm yet to see a lot more of the continent ... so I'll have to stick with what I know best, my mother country, Ghana.

Favourite politician?
Marcus Garvey of Jamaica and William Wilberforce of the UK.

Favourite holiday location?
I haven't had many holidays but I'll love to travel in California, Tunisia, and Kenya
Favourite sport(s)?
Volleyball and Soccer

Favourite African sportsman?
Abebe Bikila of Ethiopia

Favourite film?
A few good men/Boys in the Hood

What brings you most happiness?
Making others happy.

Where would you most like to live?
Anywhere where I'm a blessing to people around me.

Where would you most like to die?
During the course of helping others or on a quiet farm somewhere.

(source: Network Africa Presenters Profiles, network.africa@bbc.co.uk)

7 Jul 2008 ... Ben Dotsei Malor, Spokesman, mobile +231-(0)5319147, email: malor@un.org
(source; google.co.uk)

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